Reading Questions to
Help Reading Comprehension
Your First-Grade student will be bringing
a book home every Monday. These books are for you to read with your child at least once each day of that week.
I recommend that you read the story the first time, and then help by sounding out the words letter by letter the following times, as your child reads the story to you.. By the end of the week, your child should
be able to read the book to you.
"Thinking Aloud" models different comprehension
strategies that good readers use. To help your child learn these strategies, have your child look through the pictures
before reading the story for the first time and to tell you the story in his/her own words. Then, every day that you
read the book with your child, please choose at least one of the following questions to ask.
- What do you think this story will be about? Why?
- What do you already know about _________?
- How does [character in the story] feel right now? Why do you think so? How
would you feel if you were this character?
- Has this [event that occurs in
the story] ever happened to you? What did you do?
- What
do you think will happen next? Why?
- Do you have any questions?
- What did you think would happen?
Were you right? How do you know?
- What is the story about? Where does
the story take place? What happens to _______? How does the story end?
- What happened in the story that surprised you?
- What
was your favorite part of the story?
- Is there any part of the story
that you didn't understand?
I will always expect these books back on Friday
morning. Each week, you will need to sign the reading log that is kept in your child’s homework folder (please
only sign once per week). Your signature will indicate that you have read the story with your child every night,
and that you have engaged in conversation using the above questions. Thank you very much for your involvement in your
child's education!