Classroom Supplies
1. 6 jumbo glue sticks (will be kept at school)
2. 1 pack of crayons (will be kept at school)
3. I pack plain yellow pencils (will be kept at school)
4. 4 rectangular-shaped gummy erasers (will be kept at school)
5. change of clothes in a gallon-sized ziplock bag ONLY. write student's name on the front (if you know your
child might need this)
6. 2 2-pocket folder with the metal prongs in the middle. (one will serve as the homework folder, the other as the
behavioral folder)
7. Backpack/Duffle Bag (your child must bring a backpack or duffle bag to school to hold supplies/books. this bag
will go back and forth with your child and is not kept at school)
Greatly Appreciated for Class Use:
1. Box of tissues
2. Bottle of hand sanitizer/antibacterial soap
3. Container of Clorox Wipes